Roman Numerals 1 to 100
Introduction to Roman Numerals 1 to 100
Roman numerals are a way of representing numbers using letters from the Latin alphabet. Learning Roman numerals from 1 to 100 helps students understand and convert numbers into Roman numeral format. Here, we’ll go through the rules and provide a complete list of Roman numerals from 1 to 100.

List of Roman Numerals 1 to 100
1 – I | 21 – XXI | 41 – XLI | 61 – LXI | 81 – LXXXI |
2 – II | 22 – XXII | 42 – XLII | 62 – LXII | 82 – LXXXII |
3 – III | 23 – XXIII | 43 – XLIII | 63 – LXIII | 83 – LXXXIII |
4 – IV | 24 – XXIV | 44 – XLIV | 64 – LXIV | 84 – LXXXIV |
5 – V | 25 – XXV | 45 – XLV | 65 – LXV | 85 – LXXXV |
6 – VI | 26 – XXVI | 46 – XLVI | 66 – LXVI | 86 – LXXXVI |
7 – VII | 27 – XXVII | 47 – XLVII | 67 – LXVII | 87 – LXXXVII |
8 – VIII | 28 – XXVIII | 48 – XLVIII | 68 – LXVIII | 88 – LXXXVIII |
9 – IX | 29 – XXIX | 49 – XLIX | 69 – LXIX | 89 – LXXXIX |
10 – X | 30 – XXX | 50 – L | 70 – LXX | 90 – XC |
11 – XI | 31 – XXXI | 51 – LI | 71 – LXXI | 91 – XCI |
12 – XII | 32 – XXXII | 52 – LII | 72 – LXXII | 92 – XCII |
13 – XIII | 33 – XXXIII | 53 – LIII | 73 – LXXIII | 93 – XCIII |
14 – XIV | 34 – XXXIV | 54 – LIV | 74 – LXXIV | 94 – XCIV |
15 – XV | 35 – XXXV | 55 – LV | 75 – LXXV | 95 – XCV |
16 – XVI | 36 – XXXVI | 56 – LVI | 76 – LXXVI | 96 – XCVI |
17 – XVII | 37 – XXXVII | 57 – LVII | 77 – LXXVII | 97 – XCVII |
18 – XVIII | 38 – XXXVIII | 58 – LVIII | 78 – LXXVIII | 98 – XCVIII |
19 – XIX | 39 – XXXIX | 59 – LIX | 79 – LXXIX | 99 – XCIX |
20 – XX | 40 – XL | 60 – LX | 80 – LXXX | 100 – C |
How to Write Roman Numerals from 1 to 100?
There are two methods to write Roman numerals:
Method 1: Breaking Down the Number:
Break the number into parts, write their Roman numeral equivalents, and add them.
Example: 65 = 50 + 10 + 5 = L + X + V = LXV
Method 2: Grouping Numbers:
Group the numbers and then add the Roman numerals.
Example: 65 = 60 + 5 = LX + V = LXV
Rules for Writing Roman Numerals
- Addition Rule: When a larger letter precedes a smaller letter, add them.
Example: CX = 100 + 10 = 110 - Subtraction Rule: When a smaller letter precedes a larger letter, subtract the smaller from the larger.
Example: IV = 5 – 1 = 4 - Repetition Rule: Letters can be repeated up to three times to add their values.
Example: XXX = 10 + 10 + 10 = 30
- Non-Repetition Rule: Letters V, L, and D cannot be repeated.
Examples of Roman Numerals Calculations
- Example 1: Find the product of XVIII and LXX
- XVIII = 18, LXX = 70
- 18 × 70 = 1260
- 1260 = MCCLX
- Example 2: Find the value of LXXVII – XIII
- LXXVII = 77, XIII = 13
- 77 – 13 = 64
- 64 = LXIV
- Example 3: What is the value of LXVI?
- LXVI = 66
Learning Roman numerals from 1 to 100 is straightforward with these methods and rules, making it easy to understand and convert numbers.
The largest number typically written with Roman numerals is 3,999, which is MMMCMXCIX. Larger numbers are usually written using a bar over the numeral, indicating multiplication by 1,000.
100 is written as C in Roman numerals.
The Roman numeral system does not have a symbol for zero. The concept of zero was introduced later by Indian mathematicians and was not part of the Roman numeral system.
Roman numerals are used for various purposes today, such as in clock faces, book chapter titles, movie sequels, and to denote significant events or dates like the year of construction on buildings.
Roman numerals are a number system that originated in ancient Rome and are used throughout Europe until the late Middle Ages. They use combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet (I, V, X, L, C, D, and M) to represent numbers.
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