KSEEB Class 10 Maths Previous Year Question Papers

KSEEB Previous Year Question Paper Class 10 Maths

Download the KSEEB Previous Years Papers for Class 10 Maths. The best resource to prepare for your board exam. Mathematics subject is all about practice. The more students practise, the more command they will get over the Maths subject. So, here we have provided the KSEEB Previous Year Question Papers of Class 10 Maths. Students should solve these papers before the board exams, so that they get an idea about the question paper pattern, marking scheme and difficulty level of exams.

The Class 10 journey is an important chapter in the academic career of a student and mathematics is a central pillar of this journey. The Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) steers this journey through its elaborate maths syllabus for Class 10, designed to challenge and refine young minds. As students tread through this crucial year, the KSEEB Class 10 Maths Previous Year Question Papers surface as an invaluable resource, bridging the gap between learning and application.

The curriculum for KSEEB Class 10 students not only prepares them for their board examinations but also sets the stage for higher education in mathematics and related fields. The syllabus encourages analytical thinking and problem-solving skills that are crucial in the real world.

Topic Subtopics
Arithmetic Progressions – Understanding of sequences and series
– Derivation and application of the nth term and sum of n terms of an AP
– Real-life applications of AP
Triangles – Similarity of triangles and the criteria for similarity
– Pythagoras theorem and its applications
– Problems related to triangle area and perimeter
Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables – Graphical and algebraic methods of solving a pair of linear equations
– Applications in finding dimensions and quantities
Circles – Tangents and their properties
– Theorems related to chords and arcs
– Construction of tangents to a circle
Area Related to Circles – Calculation of the area of sectors and segments
– Problems involving the lengths of tangents and areas of figures involving circles
Constructions – Construction of similar triangles and tangents to circles
– Division of a line segment in a given ratio
Coordinate Geometry – The concept of Cartesian planes
– Finding distances between two points and area of triangles using coordinates
Real Numbers – Euclid’s division lemma and its applications
– Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
– Revisiting irrational numbers
Polynomials – Geometrical meaning of the zeroes of a polynomial
– Relationship between zeroes and coefficients of quadratic polynomials
Quadratic Equations – Solutions of quadratic equations by factorization and using the quadratic formula
– Situational problems based on quadratic equations
Introduction to Trigonometry – Trigonometric ratios and their relationships
– Trigonometric identities and their applications
Some Applications of Trigonometry – Heights and distances problems
– Angle of elevation and depression
Statistics – Measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode)
– Grouped data analysis and cumulative frequency graphs
Probability – Classical definition of probability
– Simple problems on single events
Surface Areas and Volumes – Problems on surface areas and volumes of spheres, cones, cylinders, etc.
– Conversion of one type of metallic solid into another and other mixed problems
Proofs in Mathematics – Mathematical reasoning
– Structure of mathematical proofs
Mathematical Modeling – Formulating real-world problems into mathematical language
– Using mathematical models to predict and analyze situations

This curriculum is crucial for laying a strong foundation in mathematics, and each topic is designed to be conceptually thorough with real-world applications. Students are encouraged to delve deep into each subject, understand the underlying principles, and practice extensively.

The significance of these question papers on this page is that they play out the patterns of the past exams through a spectrum of well thought-out questions, which in turn is demonstrative of the depth of the syllabus. As students navigate through these archives, they are acquainted with a plethora of mathematical concepts such as algebraic expressions, geometric proofs, the complexities of trigonometry, the intricacies of arithmetic progressions and so on. Each paper is a testimony to KSEEB’s design to foster the budding analytical prowess and logical thinking.

But the true significance of these question papers goes far beyond mere practice. They offer a 360-degree view of the KSEEB Class 10 Maths syllabus, capturing the very soul of each topic and offering a glimpse into the types of questions deemed most pertinent by the board. Students gain not just insight into the ‘what’ of each topic but also the ‘how’—how questions are framed, how marks are distributed and how to strategically approach each problem.

In a volatile landscape of education, where the only constant is a relentless pressure to outperform and a curriculum that seems to grow ever more vast, KSEEB Class 10 Maths Previous Year Question Papers are guiding lights. They are more than just a preparatory resource; they are a reflection of the KSEEB’s vision to endow students with a strong mathematical foundation and to ensure they are not just exam-ready but future-ready.

As we present to you these KSEEB Class 10 Maths Previous Year Question Papers, in our view, a budding mathematician could begin a journey of discovery and mastery. From there, it’s a choice a student must make — to challenge oneself, to exceed one’s own expectations, and to extract a profound understanding of mathematics that leaves an indelible mark.

The benefits of engaging with KSEEB Class 10 Maths Previous Year Question Papers are manifold, and their strategic use can dramatically elevate a student’s performance. Here’s an exploration of the key advantages:

  • Familiarity with Exam Format: Solving past papers demystifies the exam structure, helping students understand the layout and types of questions they can expect.
  • Identification of Key Topics: Analyzing multiple years of question papers allows students to identify which topics are frequently tested, helping them focus their revision where it counts.
  • Time Management: Regular practice with actual timed exams trains students to allocate their time effectively during the real test.
  • Benchmarking Performance: Students can assess their preparedness by scoring their attempts at previous papers, providing a realistic gauge of where they stand.
  • Reduced Exam Anxiety: Familiarity breeds confidence. Working through past papers helps alleviate the fear of the unknown that often accompanies major exams.
  • Understanding Marking Scheme: By reviewing the marking guidelines for past papers, students learn how to structure their answers to gain maximum marks.
  • Strategic Approach to Problem-Solving: From analyzing previous papers, students can observe how a board handles problem-solving and, therefore, know how to use strategy for various question types.
  • Enhanced Revision Efficiency: Incorporating previous question papers into revision schedules helps to create an active learning process; therefore retention is likely to be much better.
  • Clarification of Doubts: When students face difficulty with particular questions or topics, they can target their conceptual weaknesses with the help of the previous question papers.
  • Development of Critical Thinking: Many of the questions do not require rote learning, but need the application, analysis, and synthesis of mathematical concepts. Previous question papers aim to develop these skills.
  • Adaptability: A variety of question types and levels of difficulty will mean that students are better able to adapt to problem-solving, in spite of surprises.
  • Feedback for Improvement: The errors made and concepts misunderstood in these papers, help to form a direct feedback loop for improvement.
  • Prioritization of Study Topics: Knowing which topics are most frequently asked for and which are typically the most challenging will help students in the last few weeks before their exams, as they should be focusing on these areas.
  • Realistic Practice: This is the nearest that students will get to having vital practice in examination conditions, and that should give them a good idea of how ready they are for their examinations.
  • Self-Led Learning Encouragement: Encourages students to take control of their study plans and to seek out additional information or help on topics they find challenging. In essence, KSEEB Class 10 Maths Previous Year Question Papers are an invaluable resource in the arsenal of any student aiming for excellence. They are not just practice materials but a map guiding students through the landscape of their syllabus, ensuring they cover every necessary detail.
Delving into the KSEEB Class 10 Maths syllabus topic by topic reveals the vast array of mathematical challenges that students must conquer. The Previous Year Question Papers serve as a testament to this journey, encapsulating each topic’s essence; both in terms of the type of questions and the topics covered. We provide a breakdown below:
Chapter Key Concepts Covered Typical Coverage in Past Papers
Arithmetic Progressions Sequence and series, nᵗʰ term, sum of terms, applications Moderate: Numerical problems and applications
Triangles Similarity, Pythagoras theorem, area, perimeter High: Theorems, proofs, and application-based questions
Pair of Linear Equations Solving equations, applications High: Algebraic/graphical methods, word problems
Circles Tangents, chords, arc properties Moderate: Theorems, constructions, and tangents
Area Related to Circles Area calculations, sectors, segments Moderate: Calculations involving areas and lengths
Constructions Similar triangles, division of line segments Low: Step-by-step constructions and justification
Coordinate Geometry Cartesian plane, distance, area of triangles Moderate: Distance and area problems using coordinates
Real Numbers Euclid’s division lemma, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic High: Proofs, LCM, HCF, irrational numbers
Polynomials Zeroes of a polynomial, relationships between coefficients Moderate: Finding zeroes, verifying relationships
Quadratic Equations Solutions of equations, situational problems High: Factorization, quadratic formula, word problems
Introduction to Trigonometry Trigonometric ratios, identities High: Evaluation of trigonometric ratios, proving identities
Applications of Trigonometry Heights and distances High: Problems on angles of elevation and depression
Statistics Central tendency, grouped data analysis High: Calculating mean, median, mode, drawing ogives
Probability Basic probability concepts Low: Simple probability problems
Surface Areas and Volumes Calculation of volumes and surface areas High: Problems on finding areas, volumes, conversion of solids
Proofs in Mathematics Structure and reasoning in proofs Low: Understanding and constructing proofs
Mathematical Modeling Real-world problem formulation, prediction Low: Creating and analyzing mathematical models
In addition to this, the papers also focus on:
  • Problem-Solving Efficiency: Questions are designed to evaluate how quickly and accurately students can apply concepts to solve problems.
  • Logical and Analytical Skills: Students are often required to explain their reasoning or approach to solving a problem, thereby testing their analytical thinking.
  • Application of Mathematical Concepts: Real-world problems or those that apply mathematical theory to practical scenarios are common in these papers, preparing students for real-life applications of their learning.

    By thoroughly understanding and revisiting these topic-wise details and their coverage in previous KSEEB Class 10 Maths question papers, students can better prepare themselves for the final examination. This structured approach to studying ensures that all necessary topics are covered and understood, paving the way for success.

Analyzing the trends of KSEEB Class 10 Maths previous year question papers reveals how the focus and examination patterns have evolved over time. Let’s walk through a timeline-based approach to highlight these changes.

2012 – 2014: Emphasis on Basic Concepts

In the early 2010s, question papers primarily tested students on basic mathematical concepts. Direct application of formulas and theorems. There were hardly any “tricky” questions requiring students to know more than what’s taught in the classroom. Emphasis on arithmetic, basic algebra and geometry. More than the application of discriminant and quadratics, the focus of questions was simple algebraic equations and basic geometry.

2015 – 2017: Increased Complexity

Single questions covering multiple topicsQuestions such as Apply identities and prove, sin (A-B) – sin (A+B) were just codes for covering different topics in the same question. Higher-Order Thinking Problems Questions didn’t cover direct concepts. Instead, the problem was clubbed with something and students were expected to solve it in a single go.

2017 – 2020: Analytical and Application-Based Questions

Analytical Problem appeared more as a scenario from daily life where students were expected to apply concepts of triangle area criterion and related epistemology. Application of mathematical knowledge to real-life situations.This is now more evident over the years. Problems about trigonometry and its applications surface more often and reflect how the topic is more rigorously tested in question papers.

2021 – 2022: Diverse question formats and skills tested

Diverse question formats. Increasing multiple-choice questions and assertion-reasoning types made their way in the question paper. The focus also saw an increase in the following two areas. Data handling and statistics, frequent questions on maximum and minimum and solving the pair of linear equations made a frequent appearance in the question paper. Higher-order cognitive skills questions checked their ability to think and answer and problem-solving logic puzzles were applied.

2023 Onwards: Holisting & Interdisciplinary Approach

The question pattern which commenced from 2023 would cover not just pure theoretical knowledge but consolidate the analytical abilities of the students while it applies the theories. This question pattern also was expected to portray the various topics in synergy with each other.

In continuation of this comprehensive approach, the latest KSEEB question papers for Class 10 Mathematics are a balanced mix of computational, analytical, and application-based questions.

The examination board is introducing questions that test a student’s ability to not only apply mathematical concepts to solve problems, but also cognize their interdisciplinary connections with science and technology.

This reflects KSEEB’s commitment to developing mathematical literacy as part of a student’s broader education and its applicability across a multitude of professional and academic challenges.

On observing previous years’ Karnataka Board question papers, a clear trend has emerged, in that mathematical concepts not only increased in difficulty but also in their application.

This is a clear indicator of KSEEB’s dynamic educational policy that stays current with market and international education standards, to ensure that Karnataka Board students are fully prepared for higher studies and a wide array of learning and professional fields. By closely analyzing the current trend mathematics students can obtain valuable insights into how to approach their own examinations, using the past year KSEEB papers not only to prepare for things to study, but also what kind of approach to take to deploy their own math abilities in a holistic manner

  • Structured Revision: Categorize previous years’ questions into topics and subtopics, to understand which areas are more common and need to be studied in greater detail. Prepare a revision timetable based on this categorization, allocating more time to historically more sizable topics.
  • Self-Assessment: Time yourself while solving previous papers to replicate exam conditions and assess your speed and accuracy. Grade your answers strictly against the marking scheme to identify areas that need more practice.
  • Understanding the Examiner’s Perspective: Analyze the step-by-step solutions provided in the answer keys to understand how answers are evaluated and what constitutes a high-scoring response. Pay attention to common mistakes highlighted in examiner reports, if available, to avoid these pitfalls.
  • Topic Mastery: Use the questions as a guide to the depth of understanding required for each topic. If you find repeated difficulty with questions from a certain area, revisit the concepts and practice additional problems. For topics that you are comfortable with, use the questions to practice variation and challenge your mastery.
  • Conceptual Clarity and Application: Focus on understanding the ‘why’ behind each concept, which will help you apply your knowledge to unfamiliar problems. Utilize questions to practice applying concepts in new and varied contexts, as real exam questions often test the application rather than rote learning.
  • Time-Bound Practice: Incorporate regular practice sessions with a mix of questions from different years to ensure comprehensive coverage. Regular practice under timed conditions for the entire exam duration will help build endurance and concentration.
  • Balanced Approach: While problems that stretch the brain are useful, don’t ignore the easier questions. These could be the ones that help you earn those foundational marks. A balance of question difficulties in practice is beneficial.
  • Feedback Loop: After solving previous year question papers, don’t just move on to the next one. Take the time to critically review your answers. Look for patterns in the errors that you’re making and identify what’s causing them so that you know how to improve. Analyze these patterns with your teachers or peers; they may see what you are missing and have smarter solutions.
  • Active Learning: Talking to your friends about what you’ve learned is not only more fun, it’s also more effective than staring at a page, trying to memorize information. Join study groups. This exercise reinforces your understanding and reminds you of different points of view from where you can attempt questions. Every explanation that you give emits more knowledge from your brain. So think about forming or joining a study group.
  • Consistent Practice: Make solving previous year question papers a part of your consistent study routine, not just something you attempt a week before the exam. By integrating these papers into your study plan, you can transform them from just another practice into a comprehensive and effective learning experience that will have you more than prepared for the KSEEB Class 10 Maths exam. Creating an effective study plan incorporating KSEEB Class 10 Maths question papers calls for a structured approach that consolidates thorough concept review with rigorous practice problems for skill-building. Here’s how students can go about constructing a study plan that leans heavily on the use of previous year question papers to accelerate their preparation.

1.Familiarization Phase

Duration: 1-2 weeks


  • Begin with a comprehensive read through of the KSEEB Class 10 Maths syllabus.
  • Pair the syllabus with a stack of past year KSEEB Maths question papers.
  • Spend time reading through several papers to understand the types of questions and the exam format.

2.Conceptual Reinforcement Phase

Duration: 4-6 weeks


  • Allocate time for the study of each topic based on its complexity and weightage.
  • Parallelly, ensconce related questions from past papers for practical application of theorems, formulae and more.
  • Use a table to track topics studied and number of KSEEB math question paper problems solved.

3.Intensive Practice Phase

Duration: 8-10 weeks


  • Start with solving full length previous year math papers under timed conditions once a week.
  • Begin increasing the frequency of practice exams as the exam date draws near.
  • Analyze your performance after each paper, identifying strong and weak areas.

4.Focus Improvement Phase:

Duration: 2-3 weeks


  • Focus on areas of weakness identified during the intensive practice phase.
  • Solve extra problems from those topics in previous year Math papers for KSEEB syllabus and other resources.
  • Discuss challenging problems with teachers or study group peers to understand their approach.

5.Revision and Mock Testing Phase

Duration: 4-5 weeks before exams


  • Allocate slots each day for revision of key concepts and formulas
  • Take mock tests using previous year papers to simulate the exam experience.
  • Review each mock test thoroughly and improve your strategies based on performance.

6.Pre-Exam Strategy Phase:

Duration: 1 week before exams


  • Revisit the math questions you found most challenging and review the concepts behind them.
  • Practice time management by allotting time limits to each section of KSEEB math practice papers.
  • Relax and get adequate sleep to remain mentally sharp for the actual exam.

    Remember, it’s all about being consistent and adaptable. If you find some strategies aren’t working, be flexible enough to tweak your plan to fit your personal pace and learning style.

    Following these tips to cover all the chapters before the exams and then using the knowledge to complete questions and applications of maths under exam conditions is the best strategy to prepare for the KSEEB Class 10 – Mathematics.

A well-compiled set of resources and preparation materials will go a long way in ensuring that students thoroughly understand the concepts covered in the KSEEB Class 10 Maths syllabus and can effectively apply them during exams.

  • Textbooks prescribed by KSEEB: Additional books that contain a comprehensive collection of problems and exercises or the official part 1 and part 2 text book from KSEEB website. The NCERT textbooks for Class 10 Maths that align closely to the KSEEB syllabus and provide additional problems for students to solve Sample Papers and Model Question Papers. Students will also find sample papers from previous years for the KSEEB Class 10 Maths exams on the KSEEB’s official website, or on portals that specialize in board exam preparation.
  • Previous Year Question Papers: Accumulate KSEEB Class 10 Maths previous year question papers – as available on this page – to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and frequently asked questions. These can often be found compiled in book form at local bookstores or can be downloaded online from educational resources.
  • Supplementary Guides and Reference Books: Reference books like R.D. Sharma and R.S. Aggarwal provides extensive practice questions which are categorized topic-wise. These books often come with solved examples, which can aid in self-study.
  • Online Learning Platforms: Platforms offer conceptual videos, step-by-step problem-solving, and interactive quizzes which can be beneficial for visual and interactive learners. Many of these platforms also offer doubt-clearing sessions and live classes that can provide personalized assistance.
  • Educational Apps: Math-specific apps can offer a gamified learning experience, making the practice of complex problems more engaging. Apps may also include timer-based quizzes and challenges that can help improve speed and accuracy under exam conditions.
  • Study Groups and Tutoring: Study groups can be a way to collaborate and learn with peers, while also sharing resources and strategies. Tutoring (either in-person or online) can provide students with an added advantage by providing personalized guidance and targeted help with difficult topics.
  • Revision Notes and Mind Maps: Another strategy which may prove to be very useful when preparing for an exam is to create your own revision notes and mind maps for each chapter. This can help you to revise quickly, and to retain the concepts more effectively.

It is important to remember that while having multiple resources is great, often the key to effective preparation lies in how well these resources are used. A balanced study plan, effective use of resources, and practice and revision should all be handled together for the best outcome.

Succeeding in KSEEB Class 10 Maths involves greater than just understanding the various mathematical concepts; it involves strategic preparation. Here are expert tips to help students navigate their Maths preparation efficiently:

  • Start Early and Plan Strategically: It’s imperative to start your preparation well before the exam so that you have ample time to cover all the topics. Create a realistic and well-structured plan that you can follow without fail. This plan should make room for learning new concepts, revision, and practicing every day.
  • Master the Basics: Understand basic concepts such as arithmetic operations, algebra, and geometry before moving on to advance mathematical problems. You need to have a firm grip in the basic topics in order to understand and solve complex problems.
  • Utilize Active learning Techniques: Nothing reinforces learning better than teaching. Engage in groups to teach a concept to your peers. If you are able to teach a concept clearly, that means your understanding about the concept is clear. Explaining ideas to others helps to further reinforce your comprehension because it forces you to articulate and organize your thoughts.
  • Practice Regularly with Previous Year Papers: Solve at least 2–3 question papers every week from previous years. This helps you get acquainted with the exam pattern. You can also identify the areas in which you are weak and then work on improving it.
  • Focus on Time Management: Develop the ability to manage your time effectively in the exam. Get in the habit of completing question papers within the allotted time and continuously supporting that time frame. This will help you build speed and efficiency, and reduce the average time you take to solve problems.
  • Emphasize Quality Over Quantity: On the one hand it is better to thoroughly understand and practice a limited number of problems rather than look at a vast array of problems superficially. On the other hand make sure you are doing enough problems to cover the various aspects of a topic.
  • Seek Clarification Promptly: Seek clarification as and when you encounter any doubt or difficulty. Use online forums, team work, or your teacher if one is available.
  • Regularly Review Mistakes: Make a habit of reviewing and understanding your mistakes on practice papers or from the exercises on a regular basis. Learning from error is a very powerful way of avoiding aggravation.
  • Stay Positive and Stress-Free: Finally, as in all exams, keep stress under control. This can be achieved by regular breaks, physical exercise, and regular activities and hobbies, etc. A relaxed mind is an absorbent mind.
  • Adapt and Personalize Your Study Techniques: It’s important to realize that there are different learning styles. Adapt study techniques that suit you. For example, are you more a visual learner (learning from diagrams and videos) or an audio learner (learning from discussions or lectures)
  • Utilize Digital Resources: There are numerous online apps and interactive exercises, video tutorials, etc available over the internet. Utilize them to get better at understanding and application of concepts.
  • Simulate Exam Conditions: Regularly solve papers in a quiet and exam-like environment. It will not only habituate you of solving papers in exam-like conditions but will also help you code down your nervousness.
  • Stay Updated on Syllabus and Exam Guidelines: Keep checking the KSEEB official website to keep yourself updated about any changes or updates in the syllabus as well as the exam guidelines.

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