Introduction to Circles

Definition of a Circle

A circle is a two-dimensional geometric shape that consists of all points in a plane that are equidistant from a fixed point called the center. The distance from the center to any point on the circle is called the radius.

  • Center (\boldsymbol{O}):
    The fixed point from which the circle is defined.
  • Radius (\boldsymbol{r}):
    The constant distance from the center to any point on the circle.

Interaction Between a Line and a Circle

When a straight line is drawn in relation to a circle, there are three possible interactions:

  1. Non-Intersecting Line (External Line):
    • The line does not touch or pass through the circle at any point.
    • Example: In the diagram, line \boldsymbol{PQ} lies completely outside the circle and does not have any common points with it.
    • Key Observation:
      Such a line is at a distance greater than the radius from the center of the circle.
  2. Secant:
    • A secant is a line that intersects the circle at two distinct points.
    • Example: In the diagram, line \boldsymbol{PQ} passes through the circle, intersecting it at points \boldsymbol{A} and \boldsymbol{B}.
    • Key Properties of a Secant:
      • It divides the circle into two parts.
      • The chord \boldsymbol{AB} is the line segment formed between the two points of intersection.
  3. Tangent:
    • A tangent is a line that touches the circle at exactly one point.
    • Example: In the diagram, line \boldsymbol{PQ} touches the circle at point \boldsymbol{T}.
    • Key Properties of a Tangent:
      • The tangent is perpendicular to the radius at the point of contact (\boldsymbol{\angle OTP = 90^\circ}).
      • A tangent never passes through the circle.
      • There can be only one tangent at a given point on the circle.

Real-Life Analogy

  1. Non-Intersecting Line: A rope lying outside a circular well, not touching the well.
  2. Secant: A knife cutting through a circular cake, forming two intersection points.
  3. Tangent: The edge of a wheel touching the road at one point as it rolls.

Tangent to a Circle


A tangent to a circle is a straight line that touches the circle at exactly one point without passing through it. This unique point where the tangent touches the circle is called the point of contact.

  • Key Property: The tangent is always perpendicular to the radius drawn to the point of contact.
    For a circle with center \boldsymbol{O} and a tangent \boldsymbol{AB} touching the circle at point \boldsymbol{P}, we have: \boldsymbol{\angle OPB = 90^\circ}

Understanding Tangents

  1. Uniqueness of Tangents at a Given Point:
    • At any given point on a circle, only one tangent can be drawn.
    • No two distinct tangents can pass through the same point of contact on the circle.
  2. Relationship Between Tangents and Secants:
    • A tangent can be thought of as a limiting case of a secant:
      • As the two points of intersection of a secant move closer together, they eventually merge into a single point, forming a tangent.
    • Secants intersect the circle at two points, while tangents intersect it at exactly one point.

Examples from Real Life

  1. Pulley System:
    • In a pulley used to draw water from a well, the rope is tangential to the circular edge of the pulley at the point where the force is applied.
  2. Bicycles and Cars:
    • The wheel of a bicycle or car touches the road at one single point at any given time. This point is the tangent between the wheel and the surface.
  3. Rolling Circular Objects:
    • The contact between any rolling circular object and the ground is an example of a tangent, as the circular edge touches the ground at a single point.

Properties of Tangents

  • Theorem 1:

The tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact.

  • Theorem 2: Lengths of Tangents

The lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.

Activities to Explore Tangents

  1. Activity 1:
    • Rotate a straight wire around a circular object. Observe how the wire touches the circle at only one point, forming a tangent.
    • Helps understand the uniqueness of the tangent at any given point.
  2. Activity 2:
    • Draw lines parallel to a secant, reducing their distance from the circle. As the lines approach tangency, the points of intersection reduce to one.
    • Demonstrates the transition from a secant to a tangent.
  3. Activity 3:
    • Explore tangents by drawing them from:
      • Inside the circle: No tangents possible.
      • On the circle: Only one tangent possible.
      • Outside the circle: Exactly two tangents can be drawn.
    • Highlights the different cases and the uniqueness of tangents.

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