What are Ordinal Numbers?
Ordinal numbers indicate the position or rank of something or someone in a specific order. Unlike cardinal numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.), which indicate quantity, ordinal numbers such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., represent the position. For instance, “1st” denotes “first,” “2nd” denotes “second,” and so on. These numbers are essential for ranking and ordering items or people.
Definition and Usage
Ordinal numbers are used to define the exact position or rank of an item in a sequential list. They are particularly useful in scenarios where the order is important, such as races, queues, or lists. For example, if you have a list of participants in a race, ordinal numbers will indicate who finished 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
Real-life Examples
- Ram finished first in his class.
- Sarita was the third girl in line.
- Mohan lives on the fourth floor of his apartment building.
- The table is displayed in the sixteenth position in the store.
Ordinal Numbers 1 to 100
Here is the complete list of ordinal numbers from 1 to 100, divided into two parts:
Ordinal Numbers 1 to 50
Number | Ordinal | Number | Ordinal | Number | Ordinal | Number | Ordinal | Number | Ordinal |
1st | First | 11th | Eleventh | 21st | Twenty-First | 31st | Thirty-First | 41st | Forty-First |
2nd | Second | 12th | Twelfth | 22nd | Twenty-Second | 32nd | Thirty-Second | 42nd | Forty-Second |
3rd | Third | 13th | Thirteenth | 23rd | Twenty-Third | 33rd | Thirty-Third | 43rd | Forty-Third |
4th | Fourth | 14th | Fourteenth | 24th | Twenty-Fourth | 34th | Thirty-Fourth | 44th | Forty-Fourth |
5th | Fifth | 15th | Fifteenth | 25th | Twenty-Fifth | 35th | Thirty-Fifth | 45th | Forty-Fifth |
6th | Sixth | 16th | Sixteenth | 26th | Twenty-Sixth | 36th | Thirty-Sixth | 46th | Forty-Sixth |
7th | Seventh | 17th | Seventeenth | 27th | Twenty-Seventh | 37th | Thirty-Seventh | 47th | Forty-Seventh |
8th | Eighth | 18th | Eighteenth | 28th | Twenty-Eighth | 38th | Thirty-Eighth | 48th | Forty-Eighth |
9th | Ninth | 19th | Nineteenth | 29th | Twenty-Ninth | 39th | Thirty-Ninth | 49th | Forty-Ninth |
10th | Tenth | 20th | Twentieth | 30th | Thirtieth | 40th | Fortieth | 50th | Fiftieth |
Ordinal Numbers 51 to 100
Number | Ordinal | Number | Ordinal | Number | Ordinal | Number | Ordinal | Number | Ordinal |
51st | Fifty-First | 61st | Sixty-First | 71st | Seventy-First | 81st | Eighty-First | 91st | Ninety-First |
52nd | Fifty-Second | 62nd | Sixty-Second | 72nd | Seventy-Second | 82nd | Eighty-Second | 92nd | Ninety-Second |
53rd | Fifty-Third | 63rd | Sixty-Third | 73rd | Seventy-Third | 83rd | Eighty-Third | 93rd | Ninety-Third |
54th | Fifty-Fourth | 64th | Sixty-Fourth | 74th | Seventy-Fourth | 84th | Eighty-Fourth | 94th | Ninety-Fourth |
55th | Fifty-Fifth | 65th | Sixty-Fifth | 75th | Seventy-Fifth | 85th | Eighty-Fifth | 95th | Ninety-Fifth |
56th | Fifty-Sixth | 66th | Sixty-Sixth | 76th | Seventy-Sixth | 86th | Eighty-Sixth | 96th | Ninety-Sixth |
57th | Fifty-Seventh | 67th | Sixty-Seventh | 77th | Seventy-Seventh | 87th | Eighty-Seventh | 97th | Ninety-Seventh |
58th | Fifty-Eighth | 68th | Sixty-Eighth | 78th | Seventy-Eighth | 88th | Eighty-Eighth | 98th | Ninety-Eighth |
59th | Fifty-Ninth | 69th | Sixty-Ninth | 79th | Seventy-Ninth | 89th | Eighty-Ninth | 99th | Ninety-Ninth |
60th | Sixtieth | 70th | Seventieth | 80th | Eightieth | 90th | Ninetieth | 100th | Hundredth |
Differences Between Cardinal, Nominal, and Ordinal Numbers
- Cardinal Numbers: These numbers indicate quantity. For example, “There are eight men standing in a row,” and “The basket contains ten apples.”
- Nominal Numbers: These numbers are used to name or identify objects. Examples include vehicle registration numbers (e.g., KA 03 2111), postal codes, and player numbers in a match.
- Ordinal Numbers: These indicate position or rank. For example, “The white car is in the third position,” “The city ranked second in air pollution,” and “Mona won the first position in the Olympiad.”
Ordinal Numbers Chart
Here is a chart showing the cardinal and ordinal numbers from 1 to 20:
Cardinal | Ordinal | Cardinal | Ordinal | Cardinal | Ordinal | Cardinal | Ordinal |
1 | First | 6 | Sixth | 11 | Eleventh | 16 | Sixteenth |
2 | Second | 7 | Seventh | 12 | Twelfth | 17 | Seventeenth |
3 | Third | 8 | Eighth | 13 | Thirteenth | 18 | Eighteenth |
4 | Fourth | 9 | Ninth | 14 | Fourteenth | 19 | Nineteenth |
5 | Fifth | 10 | Tenth | 15 | Fifteenth | 20 | Twentieth |
They are used to indicate positions in races, ranks in classes, floors in buildings, and places in lines.
Yes, typically, ordinal numbers are written with the numeral followed by the suffix (st, nd, rd, th), such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.
The ordinal number for 25 is “Twenty-Fifth” (25th).
Nominal numbers are used to name or identify objects, such as vehicle registration numbers and postal codes.
Sure! “Ram finished first in his class,” and “Sarita was the third girl in line.”
Ordinal numbers indicate position or order (e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd), while cardinal numbers indicate quantity (e.g., 1, 2, 3).
Ordinal numbers are numbers that indicate the position or rank of something in a list, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
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