q 03

The revision period must have already begun or is around the corner as we prepare ourselves to face and overcome the upcoming exams. It is true that the revision period is, arguably, the most difficult part of any exam process. But being efficient during this time can yield great results in the end – not just in terms of results but also in the whole process of facing your exams.

It might sound monotonous even boring but it’s true – being organised can reduce exam stress, and help you make the most out of your time. The best way to start your revision is to make a plan. Here’s a simple guide on how you can create an efficient revision plan for yourself.

  1. Break up your subjects

Start off by listing the date and subject for each exam. Then look at what you need to cover for each exam, breaking each subject into small manageable pieces, and make a list topic by topic, depending on how challenging you find each topic to be.

  1. Focus is Key

Some exam papers will carry more marks than others so it’s worth preparing in more detail for exams that carry a high percentage of your total mark. You may also want to spend extra time on your weaker areas or need to fill gaps. Add these to your topic list. If you having missing notes, speak to your classmates or teachers. Go through education apps like the eDUCATOR to further find study material and mock tests to assess yourself.

  1. Be Realistic

Create a revision plan that is going to work for you. If you’re too ambitious with your plan it can be easy to lose heart. Studies show that people are more motivated by achievable goals. Think about what you can stick to and allow adequate rest breaks and downtime where you can do something completely different and relaxing.

  1. Expect the Unexpected

Schedule some free study hours each week. Once you get stuck, you may see that you need more time on a certain subject or you may have to deal with something outside of your studies. If there’s no flexibility in your plan it can be easy to fall behind on your schedule. So, having a few break hours each week can be utilized as you need. This can help you stay on track with your portions.

  1. Make Your Plan

The next step is to draw up your revision plan. There are numerous ways you can do this – use a calendar printout to mark your exam dates and subjects. Then divide your list of topics across each week of your revision period. Make sure each topic comes before the date of the relevant exam. Allocate fewer topics near your exam dates to allow for general review sessions where you can go through all of your revision notes. Create a more in-depth schedule at the start of each week, complete with free study and rest periods, and review your timetable for the next day in detail the night before. This makes it easier to adjust your plans depending on your progress.

The tough part is sticking to the revision plan you have made or will make. It may look hectic and strenuous too. But the reward that awaits you at the end of this is worth the effort. Remember, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.