Holidays may be the most awaited time for students as it comes with the promise of fun and freedom. An extended period of time where you could choose to do whatever you want. Many of you may have plans to really make these days count, while some may just choose to ‘chill out.’ Whichever of the two you may be, you could choose to do a few things to both enjoy and get something out of your holidays.
1. Hobby – Picking up a hobby may sound overhyped but the people who pursue it out of interest will tell you that it’s a rewarding experience. Spend some time on your hobbies, read about them or try something new with them. You could also pick up a new one like learning a foreign language or a musical instrument.
2. Exercise – Spend time outdoors playing a sport you like instead of watching TV all day long. This has its obvious benefits and it may become a part of your daily routine in the long run which would be amazing. You could also make use of some of those fancy fitness apps to make things more fun.
3. Travel – Travelling is always fun and a chance for you to see a new place or visit your relatives. If you have the chance to go on a trip, there’s nothing like it.
4. Read – This may sound like a completely boring idea but reading can actually be a lot of fun. Pick books that seem interesting to you and also some books like ‘How to become a straight-A student’ which could be inspiring and also open up a new world of useful ideas. Reading newspapers is also a really good option.
5. Networking – Go out and make some new friends, maybe a few of them who are a little older than you so that you could discuss your career and get some useful advice. You never know somewhere down the line this could come in really hand.
6. Plan – While you are having fun take some time out to think about your career and what it is that you would like to pursue and how to go about it. You could also take up aptitude tests like dSAT which could give you some insight on your strengths and help you figure out if you would like to take up some competitive exams like JEE Main or NEET.
For students who have just completed class 10, the above-mentioned activities will ensure that you have fun while developing yourself as a person. Feel free to experiment and do what fits your interests the best and have a blast!
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