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If you are one of those who want to have a clear idea of the various career options in commerce after 10th, here is a great opportunity for you to know the wide choices you have in this field. Deeksha is conducting a Commerce seminar on 27th November 2016 at Deeksha, Vijayanagar, Bengaluru for class X students from 10:30 AM to 12 noon. In the seminar, speaker Dr. Krishna BS, M.Com., MBA., M.Phil., Ph.D.) will speak about what one should do after 10th and what are the unseen professions in the commerce field.

Moving further, this seminar will be conducted on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month. This seminar is open to students as well as their parents. After attending the seminar, attendees can gain knowledge about the different career options available in commerce by writing the Harrison Assessment test. Students will be emailed a detailed report of their performance on the Harrison Assessment test. This will help them find the right career in the commerce field that aligns with their skills, aptitude, and interests.

This stream is great for students who are serious about pursuing a career in finance, accounts, chartered accountancy, economics, banking, business, and management. Commerce stream opens doors that lead to professional courses, which act like foundations!

Before choosing a commerce stream, it is very important to check whether you have the aptitude to pursue a career in this stream. If you are good with numbers, good at analysing and dealing with large chunks of data, still have confusion regarding the career choices in commerce, attending this seminar is a must for you. If interested, call our toll-free number, 1800 102 4109 for more info.