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Every year between the month of February and March one finds prolonged silence at home, dust-laden TV sets, and desolated play stations as it’s the time for Board exams. More than 80 percent of students suffer from exam fear when few days are left for the final day. Here are few expert tips that will help you overcome Board exam fear.

1.     One of the best ways to overcome exam fear is to practice a lot. The more you practice more will be you confident to face the exam with a positive mindset.

2.    Studying continuously will not produce effective results. Study for 40 minutes and then go for a break of 20 minutes.

3.     Remember there is no shortcut for success. So put your hundred percent to turn your dreams into reality.

4.      You should not leave behind any subject. Concentrate equally on each and every subject so that you get a good overall percentage.

5.    Attending preparatory tests like dSAT Home can help you find how well prepared are you for the upcoming Board Exams. Accordingly, you can focus on the subjects that need more attention.

6.    Don’t waste your time on things like playing computer games, TV, mobile phones, etc. However, listening to inspirational music during your break time will be helpful.

7.    Preparing a timetable will prove beneficial.  Allot more time on subjects that you feel are hard. However, you can study the easy subjects later.

8.    Develop a habit of making notes while studying. This will help you in memorizing the topics.