The 2nd PUC Chemistry exam for Karnataka students has concluded, and this analysis provides a detailed breakdown of the question paper, highlighting key trends, difficulty levels, and expected answers. Understanding the paper structure and question patterns is crucial for evaluating performance and refining preparation strategies for future aspirants.

Overall Difficulty Level

The Chemistry paper this year maintained a moderate to slightly challenging difficulty level. While the theoretical sections were largely predictable, certain numerical problems and application-based questions required conceptual clarity. Many questions were directly derived from NCERT textbooks, but a few required an advanced understanding of reaction mechanisms and organic chemistry applications.

Section-Wise Analysis

  • Section A (1-mark questions): Comprised straightforward conceptual questions, including definitions, basic reactions, and fundamental principles. Most questions were direct and based on NCERT.
  • Section B (2-mark questions): Included short numerical problems and reaction-based questions. While some were simple, a few required a deeper understanding of chemical concepts.
  • Section C (3-mark questions): Tested students’ ability to explain reaction mechanisms, properties, and periodic trends. A balanced mix of organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry was observed.
  • Section D (5-mark questions): Consisted of complex numerical problems, detailed reaction mechanisms, and derivations. Some students found these questions time-consuming but manageable with strong conceptual knowledge.
  • Section E (Choice-Based Questions): Provided students with the flexibility to choose between experimental and theoretical problem-solving questions. This section required critical thinking and analytical skills.

Key Topics and Weightage

The Chemistry paper had a well-distributed weightage across physical, organic, and inorganic chemistry. The major focus areas included:

  • Physical Chemistry: Questions from electrochemistry, thermodynamics, and chemical kinetics required formula application and calculations.
  • Organic Chemistry: Important reactions, functional group conversions, and mechanisms such as Aldol condensation, Cannizzaro reaction, and electrophilic substitution were featured.
  • Inorganic Chemistry: Coordination compounds, periodic table trends, and d-block elements had significant representation in the paper.

Student Feedback

Most students found the paper to be well-structured, with a few unexpected questions requiring deeper analysis. While some numerical problems posed a challenge, those who practiced regularly found them manageable. Organic chemistry was perceived as scoring, whereas physical chemistry required time management due to numerical calculations.

Preparation Strategy for Future Aspirants

  1. Strengthen NCERT Fundamentals: Many questions were derived directly from NCERT textbooks, making it essential to have a solid grasp of core concepts.
  2. Practice Numerical Problems Daily: Regularly solving problems in physical chemistry ensures better speed and accuracy in the exam.
  3. Focus on Reaction Mechanisms: Organic chemistry can be high-scoring if students understand reaction mechanisms and conversions thoroughly.
  4. Revise Periodic Table Trends: Understanding periodic properties and inorganic chemistry trends can help answer conceptual questions quickly.
  5. Solve Previous Year Papers: Identifying question patterns and working on time management can significantly improve performance.


The 2nd PUC Chemistry 2025 paper tested students on conceptual clarity, numerical accuracy, and application-based thinking. A strategic approach, emphasizing NCERT textbooks, consistent problem-solving, and regular revisions, can help students excel in future Chemistry examinations. This analysis serves as a roadmap for assessing performance and refining study techniques for upcoming exams.

B Aishwarya

B Aishwarya
Chemistry Educator at Deeksha
M.Sc. in Chemistry Fro NIT Rourkela
Qualofied JEE Mains (2015) and GATE Exam (2020)
+5 Years experience in Teaching (JEE Mains/NEET/KCET)