Exams – The one word that has the ability to send any student into a complete and utter state of panic. Unfortunately, they’re an unavoidable part of student life, but sometimes they have the ability to cause us a lot more mental stress than usual.
It can be easy to get caught up in worrying about exams as they approach us. So here are some tips to take on board to help you look after your mental wellbeing during the exam period.
- Practice mindfulness
I’m sure you’ve heard about mindfulness, but you might be thinking what exactly is it? It is the practice of focusing your awareness on the present moment while peacefully recognising and accepting your feelings and thoughts. There are several simple ways to do this. You can start by taking some time off to meditate every day or listen to some soothing music. Practising mindfulness is one way to calm your mind down.
- Follow a regular meal plan
Good eating habits are important for fueling our brains. Start your day with a healthy meal. Wake up and have a bowl of cereal or some delicious toast or even fruit to keep your body active and energized.
Organise what you are going to have for a snack during your study break. Eat judiciously and don’t overeat.
- Get out and about
Exercise is a great way to release some stress and keep your mind fresh, especially during exams.  It will help you stay cool, calm and collected, leaving you feeling more energised and refreshed for your studying.
Not a huge fan of exercising? That’s OK. It doesn’t have to be a highly intensive work out. Instead of always using the lift, start taking the stairs more. Finding some time to go to the park with some friends to kick a football around will help keep you sane.
- Use your phone, but limitedly
Everyone often tells you to keep your phone aside and concentrate on your studies. But that doesn’t have to be the case always. While it’s true that phones can be highly distracting, they are an equally efficient tool too.
You can fall back on your phone to use apps that will help you deal with anxiety or help you out when you are stressed or even just help you meditate in peace.
Apps like SAM, Breathe2Relax etc. are all useful if used correctly.
- Get a good night’s sleep
I know you really want to stay up and watch another episode of your favourite show, but don’t do it. When your body is asleep, it has the chance to rebuild and repair itself from the previous day, allowing you to maximise your productivity for the following day. The longer you are asleep, the longer your mind has to rejuvenate, as long as you’re not overdoing it with too much sleep.  Help your mind by getting a solid eight hours of sleep a night.
Also, try your hand at power naps. They are a thing. Try a 30-minute nap during the day if you feel tired and it will do wonders.
- Eat chocolate and chill
Don’t forget to take time for yourself. Eat some chocolate and hang out on the couch with a cup of tea. Make sure you give your brain some time to unwind and have a break. Don’t overdo it.
- Reach out
I know you might find it hard but try to talk to someone. It can be anyone who you know or is willing to listen to you. It will help you feel a little better even if you don’t speak much. Reach out to your parents or friends or even dCARE, if you would like to. Just remember that you are not alone and someone is always willing to listen to you.
Happy Healthy Studying!
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