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With the declaration of class X results, students are busy deciding which college to opt for. Choosing the right college can be a momentous decision as you are about to experience one of the best years of your life!

College life is a lot different than high school. You may choose to travel from your home to a college campus. Your freshman experience is definitely going to leave an impression on you. Without a shred of doubt, the most enjoyable time is for those who are away from home. What can you imagine once you take a step towards a wonderful world of education?

  •  The first thing that you will observe is the workload. It will be more intense when compared to high school. The major challenge in front of you is the small deadlines, a huge volume of reading, and never-ending writing. At the same time, you will be away from the comforts and love of your home and family.
  • Though you will make new friends, be yourself. Don’t pretend to be someone you are not. Choose your friends with the same patience you used in your high school because these friends will definitely be with you for your whole life. Believe it; it’s always exciting to find out how wonderful college relationships were.
  • With all these new positive things, don’t forget to think about your future. This is the time when you have to make the right decisions for your career. If you want to pursue coaching for IIT or other competitive exams simultaneously then, it will be great if you could take admission in a PU college that offers competitive exam coaching too.
  •  You will be your own boss, but be careful. Enjoy your freedom, but never misuse it. Discuss your ambitions with your roomie, explore the new place with your new friends. Keep in mind that with freedom comes responsibility. Even if your parents are not around, don’t let things go out of control.