One of the vital traits of a proficient student is having a good memory and a sharp mind. Students must learn and perceive things as well as keep that knowledge for a long time. It is important for education purposes in the classroom and beyond. However, improving one’s memory and sharpening the mind is easy with a few methods. Are you thinking about how these methods can improve your cognitive fitness and longevity? We have discovered the following mind-sharpening strategies. Read on.
1. Practice Yoga
Yoga, a group of mental, physical, and spiritual practices, is a holistic package for mind, body, and soul. It involves physical movement coupled with focused attention and breath awareness that eases neural communication between brain and body. The integration of the cognitive process happens through yogic asanas, postures, and breathing exercises. Postures such as Bhujangasana, Pranayama, and Kapalbhati drive blood and oxygen towards the brain to make it more idyllic. Therefore, one must sign up for Yoga classes or practice Yoga at home and give at least one hour a day to make the most out of it for the well-being of mind and memory.
2. Train your Brain
The human brain grows through a process called ‘brain training’. It refers to cognitive training that uses excessive mental training to work on the brain’s core cognitive function. Strong cognitive skills aid the brain to read, remember, pay attention, and learn. As per research, regular physical exercise helps one to develop cognitive functions such as problem-solving, attention to detail, and memory. Additionally, painting, expressive writing, and learning a language can also sharpen one’s memory. One must think of the brain as a muscle that needs regular exercise and train it with Sudoku, simple math problems, etc.
3. Maintain a Healthy Diet
Food intake plays a key role in keeping one’s brain healthy and boosting tasks such as concentration and memory. A proper diet can help in optimizing nutrition during exams and pay attention in class. The human brain consists of only 60% of fat and it needs a regular intake of food that is rich in Omega-3 fats to function flawlessly. Hence, one must choose healthy food like nuts, seeds, coconut, algae, and avocados. These have essential and non-essential fatty acids that keep one’s memory and mind healthy.
4. Get Enough Sleep
An alert brain allows one to focus, remember, learn, and function creatively. Research suggests that a healthy sleep puts one in the right state of mind to perceive information. An added advantage is that it helps one to keep information for the long term. An 8 to 9-hour long sleep also triggers changes in the brain to solidify memory and connections from brain cells to other parts of the body. Scientists have found out that sleep makes the memory more efficient and helps one remember the information better in the long run. It also synthesizes new ideas.
5. Practice Meditation
Surprisingly, there is a connection between meditation and memory. Research has yet again proved that meditation affects the structure of the brain in positive ways and improves memory. It further says that meditation allows blood flow in the brain and expands the size of blood vessels. It helps to transform the mind from negative to positive. Therefore, every day gives 10 minutes for meditation.
Human beings use only 10% of their brain and employing the remaining 90 percent needs tireless effort and regular training methods. Therefore, work on it regularly to display extraordinary mental abilities.
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