Compared to other subjects, acing the CBSE 10th Science exam with good marks requires considerable practice and effort, as each section has a different degree of difficulty. Despite putting much effort into preparation, students make silly errors and perform poorly on exams. 

Students should constantly track their progress, fix their mistakes, and work to perform well in each set of revisions rather than trying to compare themselves to others and becoming discouraged. Reviewing the topics you learned during preboards is crucial because it will ensure you remember everything and perform excellently in the exam. If you don’t revise the topics you’ve finished, you risk forgetting them during the final revision period, and it takes more time to recollect the topics you haven’t revised.

However, students can easily prepare for and perform well on the CBSE Class 10 Science board examinations in 2023 with the proper guidance, preparation approach, and available resources. The science curriculum for class 10 CBSE is extensive, so students must finish it early to give themselves adequate time for practice and revision. Below are some critical points for students to ace their science examination.

Understanding the Syllabus and Paper Pattern

  1. Students must carefully review the syllabus and question-paper format because there have been substantial changes for the CBSE Boards 2023. Below are important points to note:
  • (Theory Board Exam) 80 marks and (Internal Assessment) 20 marks.
  • Internal Assessment includes periodic tests (10 marks), notebook submission (5 marks) and subject enrichment activity (5 marks).
  1. The question paper of 80 marks is divided into 27 questions which include sections A and B. 33% is the passing mark out of 80 marks.
  • Subject knowledge is the focus of Section A, which also includes 2 VSA with 1 point each, 3 SA-I with 2 points each, 10 SA-II with 3 points each, and 6 LA with 5 points each.
  • Section B includes six questions worth two marks each, focusing on practical knowledge.
  1. Periodic written tests will be carried out, with a maximum of three per subject each academic year. Averaging the top two will be used as the final submission.
  2. The notebook’s regularity, assignment completion, neatness, and timeliness are all required for submission.
  3. Subject enrichment activity includes practical lab work.
  4. Course structure in detail:
  • Unit I: Chemical Substances in Nature and Behaviour has a weightage of 25 points.
  • Unit II: World of Living has a weightage of 25 points.
  • Unit III: Natural Phenomena has a weightage of 12 points.
  • Unit IV: Effects of Current and Magnetic Effects has a weightage of 13 points.
  • Unit V: Natural Resources has a weightage of 13 points.

Deleted Chapters/Topics 

Here are a few topics that have been dropped from the CBSE Class 10 syllabus and pattern due to recent changes; therefore, it’s crucial to note them and refrain from studying them, as they won’t count towards your grade on the board.

  1. Physics: ‘Sources of Energy’ has been removed from the syllabus. In addition, some topics from the chapter “Magnetic Effects of Electric Current” have been dropped from this year’s edition, including electric motors, electromagnetic induction, and electric generators.
  2. The human eye, defects of vision, and persistence of vision (Chapter Human Eye and Colorful World), household electric circuits, domestic wiring, and electrical problems (Chapter Magnetic Effects of Electric Current) are among the topics that have been re-included in this year’s physics syllabus.
  3. Chemistry: The topic “Periodic Classification of Elements” has been removed.
  4. Biology: ‘Evolution, part of the chapter Heredity and Evolution, has been deleted. ‘Sustainable Management of Natural Resources’ will also not be counted for marks in the CBSE Board for Class 10.

Planning Section-Wise Revision with NCERT 

Before referring to other publications, students should begin working through their NCERT textbooks. NCERT books provide thorough explanations of a certain topic using diagrams, flowcharts, graphs, etc., to assist you in increasing your understanding of it. While students can refer to other books, they should not confuse primary and reference books.

Direct and indirect questions from NCERT textbooks and NCERT solutions are also included in the CBSE board exam question sheets. Students cannot afford to miss NCERT Solutions as a result.

1. Some of the Key Chapters in Physics

  • Chapter 10: Light Reflection and Refraction: The Power of Lenses, Spherical Mirrors, Ray Diagram Representation of Images Created by Spherical Mirrors, and Mirror Formula and Magnification
  • Chapter 11: The Human Eye and Colorful World: Introduction to “The Human Eye”, Defects of Vision and Their Correction, Atmospheric Refraction, and Scattering of Light
  • Chapter 12: Electricity: Circuit Diagram, Electric Current and Circuit, Heating Effect of Electric Current, Resistance of a System of Resistors, Electric Potential and Potential Difference
  • Chapter 13: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current: Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field, Domestic Electric Circuits, Magnetic Field, and Field Lines
  • Chapter 14: Sources of Energy: Good Sources of Energy, Energy Sources for Heating Food, and Fossil Fuels

2. Some of the Key Chapters in Chemistry

  • Chapter 1: Chemical Reactions and Equation: Types of Chemical Reactions (Oxidation, Combination Reactions, Exothermic Reactions, Double Displacement Reactions, and Displacement Reactions), Balancing of a Chemical Equation, and Oxidation in Everyday Life.
  • Chapter 2: Acids, Bases, and Salts: Understanding the Chemical Properties of Bases and Acids, the reaction of non-metallic oxide with base, The importance of pH in everyday life, Family of Salts, Chemicals from common salt, pH of salts, reactions of carbonates and metal hydrogen with acids, and more about salts.
  • Chapter 3: Metals and Non-Metals: Physical and Chemical Properties of Metals and Non-Metals, Occurrence of Metals, Reaction of Metals and Non-Metals, and Corrosion
  • Chapter 4: Carbon and its Compounds: Electron-dot structure of carbon dioxide; structures of ethanol, hexanal, butanone, and chloropentane. 
  • Chapter 5: Periodic classification of elements: Dobereiner’s triads, Newland’s law of octaves, and the Modern Periodic Table

Following the NCERT solutions will allow students to thoroughly practice balancing various equations, writing different types of chemical equations correctly and becoming comfortable with solving questions of various difficulty levels before taking the actual exam.

3. Some of the Key Chapters in Biology

  • Chapter 6: Life Processes: Nutrition, Respiration, Excretion, and Transportation
  • Chapter 7: Control and Coordination: Role of the Brain in Reflex Action, Chemical Coordination in Animals, Body Response to Adrenaline Secreted into the Blood
  • Chapter 8: How do Organisms Reproduce? – Modes of reproduction used by single organisms (Spore Formation, Vegetative Propagation, Fragmentation, Budding, Regeneration, Fission, and Sexual Reproduction (Male Reproductive System, Female Reproductive System, and Reproductive Health).
  • Chapter 9: Heredity and Evolution: Heredity (Inherited Traits, Sex Determination, and Rules for the Inheritance of Traits—Mendel’s Contributions) and Evolution and Classification (Tracing Evolutionary Relationships, Evolution by Stages, Acquired and Inherited Traits, and Fossils).
  • Chapter 15: Our Environment: Biodegradable and Nonbiodegradable Substances, Trophic Levels, Decomposers in Ecosystems, Reducing Problems of Waste Disposal, Food Chains, and Biological Magnification
  • Chapter 16: Management of Natural Resources: Advantages of Exploiting Resources with short-term aims, Conservation of Forests and Wildlife, and Changes in Lifestyle in a Move Towards Sustainable Use of Resources

Mock Papers and Previous Examination Papers

Students can understand the science paper’s format and kinds of questions by solving previous year and mock papers. Consequently, to aid students in better exam preparation,

  • It aids in comprehending students’ areas for improvement. Additionally, it aids in improving overall accuracy and speed.
  • Exam papers from prior years familiarise you with the board exam’s recurring questions.

Students may access the CBSE Sample Papers 2023 on the board’s official website.


Physics, chemistry, and biology are all fascinating subjects that fall under the umbrella of science. Students interested in a future in science should take the subject seriously and strive to do well in it. Below are a few important points to note while preparing for the CBSE Class 10 Science examination.

  • Focus on weaker areas and the topics that need more attention.
  • Stay calm and relaxed.
  • Maintain a proper diet and stay healthy.
  • Avoid last-minute panic and be prepared upfront.
  • Prepare last-minute study plans according to the remaining time until the final day.
  • Remember to take small breaks in between your studies.
  • Avoid social media to the maximum extent and focus on relaxing activities such as indoor games and yoga during break time.
  • Practice and solve mock exam papers to get yourself ready.
  • Vary your revision techniques on each revision cycle.
  • Start your revision early, as this is important in reducing stress.
  • Focus on exercise and solving NCERT papers and mock papers.
  • List important doubts, clear them ahead of your main exams, and keep all those notes handy.
  • Drink loads of water during preparation to keep yourself hydrated.