Students who successfully balance their coursework and extracurricular activities have excellent time management skills. To complete the curriculum and perform well on the examinations for the CBSE Class 10 Exam 2023, students must effectively manage their time. You might be wondering what is time management. Time management is utilising your time effectively, not wasting any minute and using your time in the best possible manner. Each kid, however, has a unique routine and amount of energy. Some students like to study at night, while others prefer to study in the morning. Here are some time management suggestions that will enable both morning and evening people to ace their tests.

CBSE Class 10 Term 2: Time Management for Mornings

  • Get Up Early

Those that wake up early should use their inherent vigour. They benefit from a pleasant day’s start and have more time to finish their chores when they get up early. They can use this time to organise their day, review their notes, or study. It’s important to create a consistent sleep routine, even on the weekends, to simplify getting up early.

  • Perform the Most Challenging Tasks in the Morning Hours

Complete the most difficult things first thing in the morning: Those who rise early should take on the most demanding chores first thing in the morning when they are most awake and concentrated. They may prevent procrastinating and do their most crucial activities using this strategy first. They also feel motivated and accomplished as a result of this for the rest of the day.

  • Create a To-do List

To be focused and organised, morning people should create a to-do list. Students can make a daily schedule for their chores and mark them off when finished. They can maintain their motivation and focus throughout the day with the help of this routine. A to-do list guarantees that no work is missed or ignored, which further aids in time management. Include writing tests in your schedule to work on writing speed.

  • Exercise First Thing in the Morning

Morning people can include exercise in their daily routine to increase energy and raise happiness. They can perform yoga, get in a brief exercise, or go for a run. They can maintain their attention and alertness throughout the day by exercising. Exercise has also been shown to enhance cognitive capacities, aiding in retaining information.

  • Use Your Morning Study Period

Students can review notes, do assignments, or work on sample tests. Students may utilise this time to concentrate on challenging tasks and ensure they are ready for their examinations. Learning in the morning is more productive since the mind is more alert and concentrated, especially after a good night’s sleep.

  • Have a Nutritious Breakfast

To prepare their bodies and minds for the day ahead, morning people should eat a nutritious meal. Students can pick items like eggs, whole-grain bread, and fruit rich in protein, fibre, and vitamins. A healthy breakfast keeps the brain functioning and helps sustain energy levels.

  • Use Visualisation Strategies

Those who get up early might employ visualisation methods to help them stay inspired and concentrated. They may see themselves passing their examinations and accomplishing their objectives, and they may benefit from this by remaining upbeat and motivated all day. Visualisation is an effective technique for increasing self-assurance and maintaining mental concentration on the intended result.

  • Take Frequent Breaks

Those who wake up early can take little pauses throughout the day to recharge and prevent burnout. They may take a little stroll, practice some stretches, or listen to music. They can maintain their energy and productivity by taking brief rests. Between study sessions or assignments, take a little pause to allow the brain to rest and recover. This will also help you remove distractions.

CBSE Class 10 Term 2: Time Management for Night Persons

  • Adopt a Regular Sleeping Pattern

Those who stay up late should create a regular sleep plan to get adequate rest and feel rested in the morning. They should obtain 7-8 hours of sleep each night and refrain from substantially altering it, even on weekends. The secret to time management success and achieving peak performance is consistency.

  • Avoid Procrastination

Those who work at night may feel inclined to put off duties until later. Procrastination may result in cramming and decreased output. Students have to begin their duties early and finish them on time. They will be able to maintain their routine and reduce stress. They can divide their jobs into more manageable, smaller pieces to make their jobs less demanding.

  • Make a Study Schedule That Works for You

Those who study at night should design a plan that works with their schedule and natural energy levels. Students want to determine productive hours and plan for when they are the most awake and concentrated, typically in the late evening or early morning. Making a study plan aid in time management and ensures all material is covered before tests.

  • Get Adequate Natural Light

To regulate their sleep-wake cycle, night people should receive adequate natural light throughout the day. To assist their bodies and coordinate with the natural cycle of daylight, they should spend some time outside during the day, particularly in the morning. Enhancing sleep quality and lowering daytime tiredness can aid in better time management.

  • Prioritise Sleep

Those who are more active at night should prioritise their sleep and ensure they receive adequate rest each night. They should maintain a dark, calm, quiet bedroom to promote restful sleep. Also, they can employ relaxation methods to fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer, such as deep breathing or meditation. Making sleep a priority can aid in better time management by enhancing cognitive performance and lowering stress.

  • Employ Natural Remedies

Those more awake and attentive at night might benefit from using natural medicines when studying. They can sip herbal drinks like chamomile or green tea, which can aid in lowering stress and increase mental clarity. They can also utilise essential oils like lemon or peppermint to be alert and focused. Natural cures can help manage time better by enhancing cognitive function and easing weariness.

  • Planning Your Downtime

For night owls, scheduling downtime is essential since it allows them to balance work and play. Without enough time to unwind and recover, people might become exhausted, burnout, and less productive. Night people may allow themselves to decompress and indulge in things they like by scheduling downtime during their day. 

This could be going to a movie, reading a book (Use reading time effectively), playing a game, or just relaxing with close friends and family. These pursuits can lessen tension, uplift the spirit, and promote general well-being. Night people may better manage their time, retain attention and energy, and accomplish their goals by taking frequent pauses and planning downtime.

  • Exercise Properly

It might be difficult for night people to focus and remain attentive when studying. By boosting the amount of blood and oxygen reaching the brain, exercise is an excellent approach to help address this issue. Jumping jacks and squats are easy workouts that can assist in boosting heart rate, circulation, and endorphin release, which can help to lower stress levels. Exercise also improves cognitive function and mental clarity, which makes it easier for people to remember and retain knowledge at night. Regular exercise has also been demonstrated to enhance sleep quality and lower the risk of insomnia, a typical issue among night people. Night students can better manage their time by increasing productivity, boosting cognitive function, and decreasing stress levels by including exercise in their study regimen.

  • Find a Study Partner

For night owls, studying with a friend may be a terrific way to keep yourself inspired and involved. It might be simple to get distracted or lose concentration when studying alone, especially late at night. Night people may hold each other accountable and on task by studying with a friend. Together, they can work through complex ideas, put questions to rest, and assess one another’s expertise. This might improve knowledge retention and enhance learning. Also, studying with a friend might make it more pleasurable and less stressful. It is crucial to select a study companion dedicated to their studies and not a distraction. An effective study companion may offer inspiration, support, and encouragement, making it easier for both of you to study well.

  • Take Care of Your Health

Those who work at night need to take care of their health to efficiently manage their time and remain productive. They may increase their energy levels and productivity by practising healthy habits like eating a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, and exercising frequently. They must take brief walks or perform stretching exercises to keep themselves active and rejuvenated during their study breaks. Also, late-night use of caffeine or sugary meals should be avoided by night people since it might interfere with their sleep patterns and reduce their productivity the following day. To preserve their physical and mental well-being and study properly at night, people can eat healthily, drink enough water, and take frequent breaks to recharge.


Time management is the most important skill for succeeding in exams. Be it a night person or a morning person. You must plan your study hours effectively to clear the exams with flying colours. The above tips will help you manage time effectively and plan your day during the exams.