Board exams have a major impact on the overall grades.
Exams play a significant role in a student’s life as it helps in shaping the future. Often students are so worried while studying for the board exams that they tend to commit a lot of mistakes that finally affects their overall percentage. What are the mistakes that students make while preparing for exams? Let us find out.
1. Studying continuously for long hours
With the board exams, nearing students start studying continuously for 5-6 hours. Students believe that studying at a stretch will improve their concentration, but this is a misconception. In fact, what happens is just the opposite. When you study continuously, your mind stops working after a while and eventually you are not able to concentrate. Therefore, t is suggested to take a few breaks. Study for at least 8 to 12 hours daily, but make sure you take gaps in between.
2. Too much dependence on teachers
There are many students who assume that they will score well in the exam as long as they attend the review sessions conducted by teachers and study lessons from the guides teachers provide them. The guide given by the teacher is a great source to get an idea about the things that are important to know for the examination. It can be of great help during the preparation, but attending the review sessions and simply going through the study guide will not guarantee great results. If you want to score well in the exam, you should take the responsibility to ensure that you truly understand the material.
3. No early preparation
There are many students who start studying only when few weeks are left for the exams. This is strictly a no-no. Preparing for board exams often takes more time than you think, so it is better to get started early. One of the biggest advantages of starting early is you will be left with enough time for revision. With early preparation, you don’t have to get nervous at the last moment thinking that how much will you score, will you be able to complete the paper on time etc.
4. Last-minute mugging up
Often it has been noticed that students leave a few points of things for the last minute. Students think they will go through few notes just before they enter the examination hall. They believe that doing so will reinforce things in their mind. However, this is a wrong mindset. Mugging up during the last minute leads to a lot of confusion while writing the exam. That confusion can be avoided if you don’t leave anything for the last minute.
5. Studying without a plan
One of the common mistakes students commit is they will start studying without knowing what are their priorities, which field they want to choose after class X, what are fields they should focus on in that study session. If a student does not know what grades he or she needs to earn for a successful career, which studies material should be referred or how to study efficiently, chances are there that he or she will be unprepared for the exam.
If you avoid doing these mistakes you can have plenty of time with you which can be utilized in some or another way. While preparing for Board exams, at the same time you can test your skills and find how good your aptitude is. Career assessment tests are the right option for this. One of the biggest benefits of such tests is it gives students a clear idea about their career after class 10.
What do you think?
Which of these mistakes are you making while studying for Board exams? Please share your views below.
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