Control and Coordination Class 10 Notes

Control and Coordination Class 10 Notes

Control and coordination refer to the ability to control one’s movements and coordinate them with others. In this article, you will learn more about control and coordination scientifically. Let us explore more in these Control and Coordination class 10 notes.

What Is Control?

Control refers to an individual’s ability to monitor actions and make necessary adjustments. A person with good control is able to stay focused on a task in the midst of distractions. A child with poor control may make careless mistakes or have trouble paying attention. We can also say that control refers to the ability to compare the actual outcome with the expected outcome of a particular task. For example, if you try to jump over a child sitting on the floor, then you will have to read the expected outcome of your jump. If you do not have control, you will jump over the child, but if you have control, you will stop yourself from jumping over the child.

What Is Coordination?

Coordination refers to the ability to combine multiple types of movements at once. For example, you have to combine both hand-eye coordination while playing, which is the ability to move your hand and eye in tandem, and gross motor skills, which refer to large-muscle movements such as serving or hitting the ball. Not only do you have to coordinate your hands and eyes, but you also have to coordinate your whole body when you play table tennis. If you have poor coordination, you will find it difficult to control your body movements at once. Coordination involves more than just controlling your hands. When you are trying to move a ball when playing table tennis, you have to control your eye, hand, and legs.

Animals- Nervous System

The nervous system is an intricate web of nerves and cells that relays information between the brain and spinal cord, and numerous body components. It is responsible for sending and receiving signals throughout the body. Nerves are often described as feeling “sensory” because they sense different stimuli, such as touch, taste, sight, sound, and temperature. Information is then sent through these nerves to the brain, where it is processed and interpreted. Nerves can also carry electrical impulses and are sent to motor neurons that signal the muscles to move them. The nervous system plays a vital role in every aspect of an animal’s life: from movement to digestion, defence against predators and prey, and even reproduction.

What Happens in Reflex Action?

Reflex actions are involuntary responses that occur in response to stimuli. They are sometimes referred to as automatic responses because they occur without conscious awareness. This can include things like blinking or flinching when touched, shying away from loud noises or freezing in the presence of a predator. Reflex actions can also be seen in animals as well. For example, animals might tremble, shake their heads, or roll over when they are scared. These reflex actions can be very useful for animals because they allow them to respond quickly and appropriately to changes in their environment. However, they can also be dangerous if they lead to injury or death. For example, if an animal freezes in the presence of a predator, its body may not be able to protect it from the attack, and it may die.

Human Brain Class 10 Chapter 7 Science Notes

The brain is the control centre of the human body. It is responsible for controlling all the physical and mental functions of the body, such as muscle movement, heart rate, consciousness, learning ability and memory. The brain consists of two main parts: the cerebrum, which is located at the front of the skull, and the cerebellum, which is located at the back. These organs work together to control various body functions. 

  • The cerebrum is responsible for thinking, reasoning and memory. 
  • The cerebellum is responsible for coordination, balance and movement.

The brain also contains billions of nerve cells called neurons. These cells communicate with each other using electrical signals called neurotransmitters, and this allows us to think and feel emotions.

The brain has many different regions that perform different functions. For example, different regions help us recognise faces and words; these areas are called the primary sensory cortex and primary motor cortex, respectively.

How Does the Nervous Tissue Cause Action?

The nervous tissue is the tissue that works to conduct impulses between the brain and the body. This tissue includes neurons, which are nerve cells, and glial cells, support cells for neurons.

There are two main types of nerves: sensory nerves and motor nerves. 

  • Sensory nerves carry information from the body to the brain, such as information about touch and pain. 
  • Motor nerves carry information from the brain to the muscles and other parts of the body, such as when we stretch or move something.

Nerves can be damaged in a variety of ways, including by injury or infections like meningitis. Damage to these nerves can cause problems like numbness, weakness, or tingling in the limbs. They can also affect how well certain organs work, like the brain or heart.

Coordination in Plants Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Notes

In plants, coordination is to distribute resources and perform certain tasks. It allows a plant to respond quickly to environmental changes, such as temperature fluctuations. In addition, coordination can help plants avoid injury from falling or being crushed. For example, a plant may spread its leaves out in an attempt to avoid damage from a falling object.

Plants rely on a complex network of interconnected cells called the plant nervous system to sense and respond to stimuli. When stimulated, different parts of the nervous system activate in order to initiate a response. In order for this response to be accurate, coordination between multiple parts of the nervous system is necessary. As a result, coordination is a key component of plant development and growth. In addition to affecting growth, coordination also plays an important role in other aspects of plant biology, such as ion transport and signal transduction.

One of the main functions of coordination in plants is to protect the plant from predators. When a predator approaches a plant, it often spreads its leaves or branches out in an attempt to look larger and more intimidating. The plant becomes harder for a predator to see and attack by spreading out. In addition, when the predator strikes the plant, it will inflict less damage because of the increased surface area.

Another important role of coordination in plants is to help them survive unfavourable weather conditions. When there is too much water in the soil, some plants are able to survive by closing their stomata (tiny pores that allow gas exchange between the roots and the atmosphere). On hot days, some plants close their stomata to prevent excess heat loss; other plants close their stomata when it rains so that they do not get too wet.

Hormones in Animals

Hormones are chemicals that affect the growth and development of an organism. They are released by endocrine glands such hormones such as insulin, testosterone, and estrogen. Hormones travel through the bloodstream to reach their target organs, which can have various effects on body function.

Humans have many different types of hormones, including endocrine glands produce hormones that affect other endocrine glands and are under the control of the endocrine system.

The endocrine system controls all bodily functions, including growth, metabolism, digestion, and reproduction. Glands release hormones that travel to target organs to affect their function. For example, insulin is released by the pancreas and travels to the liver to control blood sugar levels. Hormones from target organs are carried back to the endocrine gland to be released again. This cycle is how hormones are “controlled” in the body


Control and coordination are two key factors that are essential for almost any sport or activity that involves complex body movements. Control refers to an individual’s ability to monitor their actions and make adjustments when necessary, while coordination refers to the ability to combine multiple types of movements at once. Both control and coordination are highly interrelated, and they can be improved by practising a variety of exercises. We hope our notes of control and coordination class 10 pdf will help you brush up on your basics.