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We know your child’s future is the most important thing that you are working for. Holding your child, visualising what you want to do for him or her, planning your life around a little person and finally see them reach this stage must be totally overwhelming.   The core of you must be as anxious about your child’s results. STOP! Think back to when you were their age. What did you want most? Maybe a pat of approval from your parents? And that the most important people in your life understand and show unconditional love?  This is perhaps what your child is expecting from you too!

Academic pressures and peer pressures have changed dramatically over the years. In a highly competitive and independent world, you could help your child stay calm and reassure him/ her that you will always be there, no matter what the circumstances. Here are possibly some things that you could do or keep in mind at this crucial stage where your child is in anxiety over the results:

•             Ensure quality family time

•             Keep communication channels open

•             Have their favourite food ready

•             Avoid sermonising

•             Invite their friends over

•             Support their life goals

As someone once said, ‘There is no better example than you for your children. So, stay calm if you wish them to stay calm.

And yes, the funny man, Vir Das, has some words for us all-

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