q 03

Few things have the capacity to make the ground beneath our feet tremble and bad results in our student life may be one of those. While this may look terrible at the face value, it does come with its fair share of positives.

  • Taking a look back: When we succeed we celebrate and when we don’t, we think. Bad results make us look back and think about how we went about things and this process will give us perspective and is the first phase of preparing to bounce back.
  • Grit: Adversity builds character. Getting past this phase by consciously trying to move ahead will give you the grit to handle tougher situations better in the future.
  • Reconnect: Results is something that seems to affect more than just the student. At this point, you get a chance to sit and work things out with the help of your loved ones. Weathering a tough situation along with your family builds a stronger relationship.
  • Look Forward: It’s time to move ahead and with full force. We often notice students who come up with renewed motivation and do well in their upcoming exams. Also, you would have realised the importance of a lot of things that you took for granted.
  • Makes for a good story: Somewhere down the line when you look back you’ll have a good story to tell about how resilience takes you places! :)
  • Any point that tests you comes with the potential of making you stronger and better only if you move on and work towards bouncing back up.

    If you are looking to start off with your board exam & competitive exam preparation right away and make a comeback, you can now download our free app dPAL. All the best!