Why Should You Start Preparing For CET From Class 10

All of us are aware of the fact that a strong academic base is very helpful in career building at a later stage. In order to make one’s foundation strong, the urge to study diligently always tops the list. In fact, from the early days of our childhood, we are asked to study tables, formulas, etc, to be a topper in Maths or to have a clear understanding of the vowels to make our grammar strong.

Exactly the same is applicable when one starts CET preparation, a student starts covering and understanding the entire syllabus from class X. There are many institutions and online education portals which offer various Foundation courses to help students excel in the entrance exam in the first attempt itself.

But, do you think such an early preparation for one of the toughest competitive exams CET is worth? Since there are chances that you might hamper either school or preparation procedure, in an attempt to score high in the latter! Well, there are many reasons as to why is it necessary to start CET preparation from class 10 rather than studying in the later stage.

1. Deciding the right career path: It has been noted that a large number of students are unclear about which career they want to pursue after their academic years. But for those who start their preparation for CET from their Foundation or to be more precise from class 10, seems to have a fixed target, and give their full concentration on that.

2. Common syllabus: The syllabus for Foundation and the core subject of CET are quite similar in several aspects. In fact, even if the CET syllabus is a bit tough, it is helpful because in this way students start to learn to prepare for the toughest exam too. During their school tenure, they can cover the major subjects.

3. Ahead in covering syllabus: If the student starts preparing for the entrance exam in advance, they will be left only with revision once the board exams get over. They definitely have an edge over their peers who did not begin any Foundation Course.

4. No need for a year gap: One of the biggest benefits of preparing for the exam from class 10 is the fact that the student does not have to take a one-year gap to sit at home and prepare for the exams. There are many who believe in taking a gap of one year or so, to improve their marks, or to join coaching institutions to seek a seat in a reputed college.

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