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Do you think you have the capability to crack NEET (AIPMT) or any other competitive exams like CET, JEE Main (AIEEE) or IIT-JEE (JEE Advanced)? If you have doubts and want to get a clear picture, then dSAT (Deeksha Scholastic Aptitude Test) is the right platform for you. It is an opportunity for class X students to gauge their aptitude in various competitive exams.

Last week, about 100 students across Karnataka participated in dSAT.  One of the added benefits of writing dSAT is along with checking capability in competitive exams, students also get a chance to write the Harrison career test after writing dSAT at the campus. Therefore, students get an idea about the right stream to choose after class X along with that they come to know the right career they should opt for in the future.

The test is conducted on Sundays and pre-decided holidays at Deeksha campuses. It includes a lecture of 90 minutes on a select topic of Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry. Students have to attend a one-hour open book test on the same topic. Results of both the tests when analysed together help students identify an appropriate career.

If you are also interested in gauging your aptitude in competitive exams and want to know the right career for you, then it’s not too late. Book dSAT slot online and start preparing for the next dSAT to be conducted on 9th of October, 2016.