While we are busy preparing for our exams, the work that we put in can be aggregated into something really effective and complete by taking care of a few key aspects which are mentioned below.
- Stay positive: This one might be something we hear often and for good reason. Any preparation would cease to be effective if we are disheartened and tensed. Be calm and trust yourself to make the best use of the available time.
- Schedule your studies: Planning your study according to the time table and requirement has its obvious benefits. Be wary of micromanagement because it can be counterproductive. Have a broad but clear view of what to do and how it would help you reach your goal.
- Eat healthy: Your brain needs the right fuel to work optimally at this point. Having your mental faculties on your side is of prime importance at this juncture.
- Refer to previous year papers: This is a bare minimum as your preparation would not be aligned to the task at hand without this. Know what you need to study!
- Figure out your strong and weak parts: Write down what your strong and weak subjects are and the strong and weak parts in each subject. After this compare this with the question paper pattern and see how this is going to affect you. If your weak areas are important then there is a change of strategy required. Figuring this out when you are in PU College can help in your future too.
- Sleep well: Some sleep before the exam is essential to register whatever you have studied. And also to keep you calm.
- Practice writing a paper: If you have the time, don’t miss this! It teaches you time management and improves recall and various other helpful things.
- Drink lots of water: Flushing out toxins from your body can be easily done by drinking lots of water and this keeps your body hydrated too.
- Stay calm during the exam: If you encounter a tough question do not be disheartened but move on to the other questions and don’t come to conclusions about your performance at any point.
- Move on: After an exam, your only concern would be to prepare for the next. Do not at any point discuss a bad paper. You stand to gain nothing with this futile exercise.
All the best! Trust yourself because you can do well :)
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