What you deliver on the day of the exam is what will reflect on your results. It is now time to focus on the final aspects and go do your best! Having a good mental composure will work wonders, here are some tips in line with that.
- The time to think about your preparation and review it is over. No matter what your preparation was like, the only thing you can control is making the best of whatever you have done. Prepare yourself to do just that!
- Visualize yourself doing well during CET and use that mental picture to stay confident.
- It is advised to stay away from anything that can make you nervous.
- Avoid last-minute preparations and just stay calm in the last one hour
- Answer the questions that you know well and do not worry one bit when you see questions that you cannot answer.
- Keep track of time but do not keep looking at the clock.
General guidelines
- Get a good amount of sleep
- Do not skip breakfast
- Keep yourself hydrated
- Check for your hall ticket and stationery before you leave home
- Reach your exam hall at least 1 hour early
Stay positive and you will do well. All the best!
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