How important is money? It is a question most of us have thought about at least once in our lives. Money is undoubtedly an important part of our lives. You will not be able to pay your bills and feed yourself with just passion and love.
However, there are people who don’t have any concern for money. They are not interested in luxuries like expensive watches, big houses, and fine clothes. The only aim in their life is to do things in which they have an interest. On the other hand, there are people whose passion is to just make money. Surprisingly, both these kinds of people ultimately lead a happy and satisfying life. There are various kinds of people, and therefore, there is no hard and fast rule whether one should seek money or not.
I personally believe that happiness resulting from money is short-lived. For example, the day you purchase your first mobile phone might be the most memorable one in your life, that excitement, that happiness; it would certainly be an overjoyed moment. However, with each mobile phone you purchase, the excitement will start fading away, until a day will come when it will not make any difference to you.
Thus, money is important, but only to an extent. There are many who earn ample amounts of money but end up unhappily, as their work was not the one they wanted to do. Before you make a decision, think, will you be happy after 5 years in a job that you are not interested in? Is a check of a huge amount and expensive luxuries the only things you want?
Now, the question arises do you actually know in which stream you are interested? No, is it? Then, it’s the right time to take up dSAT. Deeksha Scholastic Aptitude Test (dSAT) helps students of class X know the right stream based on their interests and skills. Moreover, it helps students identify the right competitive exam for them. Accordingly, they can choose the best way to prepare for NEET, JEE (Advanced and Main), CET. Large numbers of students from all over Karnataka have already participated in the test and got an idea about the right subject they chose to study in the future.
Why are you waiting? Join the crowd and book your dSAT. Now you can book and reserve your slot online too. So, hurry up. Start registering now!
All the best in your career!
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