Do you know when you should reach the exam venue? Can you go to the washroom during an exam? What to do once you finish your exam paper? If you don’t know the answers of any of these then this article is for you.
Before the exam
- Reach the venue at least 20 minutes prior;
- Keep your ID card on the desk. As invigilators will check it during the exam so make sure it is placed in such a place that they can see it clearly;
- Switch off your phones and/or electronic devices before you get inside the examination hall;
- Check the front page of your paper and ensure that you are attending the right examination;
- Fill up your personal details in the answer/question paper (name, ID Number etc) as instructed;
- Raise your hand to clarify any doubts with the invigilator.
- Do not talk with others after entering the hall. Talking with other students in the exam hall is considered as an offense;
- Never start writing the answers until the invigilator tells to do so.
- Do not keep phones or any electronic devices in your pockets;
During the exam
- Write your answers clearly in English (unless any other language is mentioned for the exam). Always use blue or black ink;
- Use a pencil to draw diagrams, charts or graphs. One student is permitted only one answer sheet per exam;
- Do all the rough work in the answer sheets provided to you and cross the ones which you do not want to mark;
- Always raise your hand if you have a question, feel sick or need anything;
- Ensure all the questions have been answered before submitting the paper to the invigilator.
- Do not use pens or tapes to erase work; just put a cross through anything that you feel should not be marked.
End of the exam
- Ensure that you have filled the details in the front page of the answer book correctly;
- Remain at your place until the invigilator collects your answer sheet;
- Leave the exam hall quietly and don’t leave your personal belongings.
- Do not keep on writing once the time gets over;
- You should not take the exam paper or your answer sheet with you while leaving;
- Never disturb other students who are still writing.
Nothing can stop you from getting a good score in the exam if you follow these exam tips without fail.
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