The CBSE class 10th board term 2 board exam is an excellent milestone in students’ careers, and this important test might significantly affect a student’s future academic and career chances. Even the most confident students may feel uneasy and frightened in this high-pressure setting. 

Consequently, maintaining composure and concentration throughout the exam is crucial for success. To reduce your stress and help you clear the exams with flying colours, here is a blog that will guide you on how to prepare for the board exams that will help you to stay calm and focus effectively on your studies.

Tips to Stay Calm During the Exam for Students

  • Create a Timetable

Create a timetable and stick to it. Divide your time across several topics to prevent burnout and take regular pauses. Examine the syllabus and give each subject a fixed time limit based on familiarity and difficulty. Maintain flexibility in the timetable so that you may adjust it as necessary. You may cover all the essential material with a well-planned study program and avoid feeling pressured.

  • Revise the Syllabus Thoroughly

Revision is essential when getting ready for tests. Make time for revision, and be sure to go over all the key subjects you have learned. After the revision, practice sample papers and analyse the outcomes to gauge your improvement. Frequent reviews can improve material retention and lower exam stress.

  • Keep Everything Organised

Effective studying requires preparing brief notes and study materials organised. It can help you save time and keep your drive and concentration up while studying. To make studying simpler and more effective follow class lessons.

  1. Arrange your notes, lessons, and books in designated divisions of your study table.
  2. Sort your resources into folders, binders, or boxes according to subject or theme.
  3. Maintain a consistent arrangement and properly label each section.

In this manner, you may locate the required resources and continue to follow your study schedule. You may establish a conducive environment for productive learning and improve your test performance by organising your study materials.

  • Stay Healthy and Fit

It’s essential for success to take care of your physical and mental health throughout test season. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and working out frequently. Getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising help you stay healthy and fit and attentive during exam time while reducing stress and maintaining a positive mindset. Including meditation or relaxation exercises in your study regimen enables you to feel better by reducing stress. Refuel and maintain motivation by pausing during your study sessions and participating in fun activities. You may improve your academic performance and keep a good work-life balance by prioritising your physical and emotional well-being.

  • Be Optimistic

Being upbeat might help you remain composed and confident when taking tests. Refrain from dwelling on past mistakes. Instead, analyse your mistakes and draw a plan to correct them and not repeat them. Focus on what you must do now and look at the positives of the mistakes. Please do not waste time thinking about the results; it will make you feel stressed and anxious. Instead, try to prepare well, and you will achieve what you want.

  • Use Relaxation Techniques

If you’re experiencing tension or anxiety, consider using relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing. These techniques will help you stay calm and stress-free. You may maintain your composure and attention throughout tests by using these strategies.

  • Seek Support

It is crucial to have a support network to assist you in dealing with the stress and strain of a demanding test season. Your capacity to stay motivated and concentrated may be significantly improved by asking for assistance from dependable people like parents, teachers, or friends. It might be helpful to talk to your parents since they can provide insight and emotional support. They could also offer insightful advice on enhancing your study strategy or making other improvements to ensure success. Also, instructors might offer helpful advice on effective test-taking tactics, study methods, and other pointers. They can also provide you with performance comments, enabling you to see where you need to improve.

  • Avoid Distractions

Concentrating and avoiding distractions as much as possible when studying for an exam is crucial. You can become seriously distracted by social media, video games, and television, reducing your productivity and raising your stress levels. As social media is intended to be addictive and may quickly consume a lot of time, it can be hazardous. Consider creating particular times each day to check social media, and set time limits, to help you avoid these distractions. TV and video games may be a time-consuming diversion that disrupts your study plan. Think about designating particular hours each day for recreational pursuits, and adhere to your study plan.

  • Learn Time Management

Throughout the exam, efficiently learn time management. Make sure you answer all the questions within the allotted time by dividing your attention across the various areas of the question paper. During preparation, create a proper timetable with dedicated time for each subject to save time deciding what to study. Keep a regular pace with your timetable and study effectively and efficiently. You can also prepare brief notes while studying to save time while revising.

Take your time if a question seems challenging. Inhale deeply, attempt to divide the issue into smaller components, and follow class lessons to make sure to get all the important points. This might lessen your tension and assist you in finding a solution.

Tips for Parents to Calm Students During the Exam Season

  • Establish a Welcoming Environment

You may foster a positive home environment by giving your child a peaceful study place, wholesome food, and supportive comments. This might support your child’s motivation and concentration throughout the exam period.

  • Avert Excessive Pressure

It’s critical for parents and other care providers to encourage and support their children throughout exam season. Yet, it’s equally crucial to avoid putting undue pressure on them to meet a specific grade or performance standard. A child’s performance on the test may suffer due to stress brought on by excessive pressure. Instead of encouraging your child to compare themselves to others, encourage them to work hard and concentrate on their growth. No matter what happens, being there for your child and encouraging and supporting them is critical. Ensure them that there will be more possibilities for success and that their value is not based just on one exam result.

  • Stay Informed

It is essential to track critical dates and exam schedules if you want to help your child study for exams. You may guarantee that your child has enough time to study appropriately for exams and lower the likelihood of last-minute stress by staying up to speed on exam schedules. Urge students to establish a study schedule that includes many study sessions in the weeks before the exam. Moreover, get in touch with their instructors to learn more about the subjects in the exam and to find out if you can offer extra tools or study materials to help your child. You can assist your child in keeping on track, feeling confident, and being well-prepared for the test by staying informed and actively participating.

  • Take Time to Listen

Pay attention to your child’s exam-related fears and concerns. Support, advise, and assist them in learning coping mechanisms for exam-related stress.

  • Celebrate Small Victories

Appreciate minor victories, such as accomplishing a challenging task or a chapter. This may encourage your child to continue working hard and to feel good about their development.

  • Give Them Chances to Unwind

Give your youngster a chance to decompress and unwind by going for a stroll, listening to music, or watching a movie. During test season, this may assist them to re-energise and concentrate.

  • Ask for Help If Necessary

See a counsellor or other mental health specialist for assistance if your kid is experiencing exam-related stress. Your child can benefit from additional assistance and direction in managing their stress and anxiety.

  • Don’t Compare Your Child to Others

It might be detrimental to your child’s confidence and self-esteem to compare their performance to that of other students. Comparing a child to another can lead to unneeded pressure and stress because every child is different and has specific skills and shortcomings. Instead, please pay attention to your child’s unique development and accomplishments and give them the support and motivation they require to realise their most significant potential. Acknowledge their achievements and assist them in finding positive solutions to their problems.

  • Provide Wholesome Nutrition

Offer wholesome refreshments like sandwiches, almonds, and fruits during test season. These snacks can provide the nutrition and energy required to stay calm and concentrate.

  • Promote Breaks

Please remind your child to take frequent breaks while they are studying. These breaks can assist individuals in unwinding, recharging, and focusing throughout their study time.


Everyone, from kids to parents, experiences stress and worry during exam season. Everyone feels demotivated and stressed out if they aren’t studying to the best of their capacity and ensuring they understand the ideas without fear or tension. You may accomplish your goals with the advice mentioned above without feeling anxious or stressed. The CBSE class 10th board term 2 board exam is an important milestone in students’ careers, and this vital test might significantly affect a student’s future academic and career opportunities.