dPAL has added another feather to its cap with the launch of the NEET program on 16th September 2016. The online preparation program helps students prepare for the medical entrance exam using smartphones and tablets.
With this program, medical aspirants can now prepare for the exam on the go! Along with NEET, students can prepare for JEE Main, K-CET, CBSE 11, 12, PU 2 Science and Commerce using the android app.
Why students should access the NEET program
•        Over-view video highlighting important concepts and past trends
•        Chapter broken down concept-wise
•        Concept-wise synopsis, video, and examples
•        Practice Questions segregated by difficulty level
•        Previous Year Questions asked from the chapter
•        2-sets of Short Tests for each chapter
•        2-sets of NEET Style tests for each chapter
•       3-sets of NEET Style tests for each subject
•        2 Full-Length Mock Test at Program Level
In case you are wondering……..
How much does it cost?
The program can be subscribed at a price of Rs. 11,999/
How to access the NEET program?
One has to download the dPAL app from Google Playstore and access the particular program.
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