Hope you all have had a wonderful winter break. You are now refreshed, full of energy and back at school. This academic session has almost reached its end. The board exams are not very far away. You don’t even have 90 days to prepare. But that is okay. You still have ample time to ace your board exam. All you need is a master plan. But don’t worry about that too because we have got that covered. Read on to know how to make a master plan.
Create the ultimate timetable
Create a grand timetable that you can follow till your exams. But make sure you don’t just allot time to study. Devote enough time to do all your fun work. Take even a day off every week if you are confident enough.
1. Start early
Often, students tend to study late into the night and spend their daytime sleeping. It is always better to do the opposite. Your body is super effective during early morning hours. Make maximum use of it. And most importantly, make sure you don’t compromise on your sleep.
2. Know your strength and weakness
Knowing about your strengths and weaknesses is extremely crucial. Only then you can spend more time on topics which you are not comfortable with. This will also help you in managing your time the best way.
3. Device a final revision plan
Just before the exams, you have to revise everything you have learned one last time. This has to be done quickly and is only possible if you have highlighted points or have made short notes on all topics.
4. Create a specific plan for each subject
It is highly important to cover all your syllabus. So, break down each subject into several parts. Go through all the problems and exercises in your textbook. Allot time for each and everything accordingly.
Subject Wise Tips:
1. Science
- When learning physics, make sure that you understand every concept clearly. A number of formulas have to be memorized but always learn how it is derived. Moreover, solve all example problems and exercises in your textbook
- Chemistry is a subject where scoring is comparatively easy. All kinds of name reactions have to be studied. Make some charts or short notes to learn better
- Biology involves a lot of drawing. Only practice can make you good at this. It is also a subject where terminology and its definitions are extremely significant
2. Mathematics
It is probably the most feared subject. But in fact, it is the only subject where scoring the maximum is a cakewalk. All you need to do is understand all the concepts and memorize certain formulas. With constant practice, anybody can improve their problem-solving skills.
3. Social Science
Reading your textbook over and over is the simplest way to ace social science. Memorize dates, events, names when it comes to history. And for geography, practise map tests regularly. For economics, political science etc, NCERT textbooks can help you a great deal.
4. English
It is a bit tough to score more than 95 marks in any language. English is no different. However, if you are strong with basic English grammar and have decent literary skill, you can score very good marks in English.
5. Second Language
Thorough knowledge of the complete syllabus is necessary. Since questions are often repeated, go through at least ten previous year question papers.
Create a day to day plan from today onwards and stick to it no matter what happens. It might take a week or so for you to get totally in sync with the master plan. Give yourself that time needed and once you are in, nobody and nothing will be able to stop you.
In the midst of all this hassle, don’t forget to plan your future too. Make a decision at the earliest. There are plenty of aptitude tests available. Take the best one before it is too late.
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