choosing the right path after class X

Class X board exams will be over in a few days’ time. Long and exciting summer vacation is awaiting all students. It is the time to free your mind and enjoy each and every second. However, one question will be looming over every students’ head; what to do after class X? Whatever decision students take now, it will have a great impact on their future and life. It is all about finding your true self and your real passion. Dreams and passions might change along the way and life will give you second chances. But if you take the right decision right now, you will lay a strong foundation for your career.

      For most youngsters in India, this is an arduous task. Even though there are vibrant options around us, students are forced to follow the norms of society rather than their hearts. Our highly competitive society and rote learning systems are to be blamed for this disgraceful scenario. Fortunately, that trend seems to be fading away. With the government itself intervening to change the condition, it is for sure that good times are ahead.

      With hundreds of options available, choosing the right path can become confusing. The first and foremost rule is to follow your heart. Introspect yourself, discover what lies beneath you and explore your skills and potentials. When you have done all these, ask what you want to become and what you want to do for the rest of your life. When you have answered that, plan your journey. For a 15-year-old, the journey towards a successful career begins now. It is now you plan your life ahead.
The right way of choosing the right path to success involves mainly three important steps:

  • Choosing the right stream of study is the first step. Science, Commerce, and Humanities are undoubtedly the most sort after streams. It is advisable to not go by the trend or by calculating the financial benefits a career could get you in the future. You have to make sure that your choice aligns with your passion and interests. The stream that you choose should also offer good prospects for higher studies.
  • When you have finalized on the stream you want to learn, choose the right college of study. This is as important as choosing the right stream. The college you choose must encourage you to pursue your dreams. It should have all facilities, be it academic or infrastructure, help you excel in the field of your choice.
  • The admission procedure to different Pre-University Colleges or schools differs. Some colleges only look at your performance in class X while others, particularly the top colleges, might have separate entrance exams for admissions. The curriculum for these entrance exams largely depends upon the choice of study you have made. Even though these exams are not really hard, they will evaluate your aptitude and interests. Hence, the result solely lies in your ability and your love for the subject.

After you are done with all these procedures, it is up to you to take the best option available. You will be learning a lot and evolving as a person during the next two years of schooling. You will become more aware of the world around you and will want to contribute to society in the best way possible. Independence and freedom during these times will open doors for you to new thinking and ideologies. A profound change to your character is bound to happen from now on. Regretting the decision, you have made is the last thing you want to happen during this time. For this reason alone, it is crucial that you make the correct choice. This long vacation is the right time to think about your future. Take your time, talk to experts, introspect and then come up with the best decision.

All the best!